Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Looking for Solitude and Silence

Me in our little chapel. 24th of March, 2016.
On that day, I was tired but happy. Photo by Anya.

Lately, I've been very active in the local Orthodox Christian association. Last February, we rented a little room, and now it's our chapel – a place of fellowship, prayer and worship. Little by little, we have furnished the room. There are furnitures and beautiful cloths, and also many icons on the wall.

This is a big step for us, because we are minority church in Finland. There are only about 70.000 Orthodox Christians in Finland. In my city, we have no own church nor 'chasovnya'. Not yet, but we are hopeful that one day we will have it. Actually, a biggest dream of our association is to build a chasovnya or Orthodox church on this city. Our little chapel is the beginning.

I've been the chairman in this association since 2014. My tasks are to lead this little community, writing emails and letters round, manage the public relations (PR), and so on. Since last February, I've been also a moderator on our Facebook site. Please click here to see it (available only in Finnish, but you can use the Google translator). Sometimes, I can also deliver the Evening Service (a layman's service) in our chapel. Usually, I'm just "the Reader", and our cantor Lily delivers the Service. The priest visits only a few times a year, because he lives so far.

For me, Orthodox Christianity is the most important thing. It's a way of life, the base of my life, not only "one of the hobby". Just recently, I am tired with too much sociability and busy life. I hate to be busy and stressed. I need to spend enough time in solitude and silence, otherwise I don't feel very well. I need time to read, it is a hobby that requires solitude. So I decided to make some changes in my life. "The most important things first..."

"Seek solitude and silence." Thus teaches the ancient mystics of the Church. In modern times, it is more challenging. But when I'm calm and when I feel mentally well, I live in solitude and silence with pleasure, and my home is like a monk's cell.

In recent months, our Christian community has been the only area in my life, where the things are going well. Perhaps I should completely devote to spirituality, because it seems God will not allow me to enjoy the worldly happiness or family happiness. (I won't say I'm gonna do that, just sometimes I think perhaps I should.)

Sometimes I'd like to be a true ascetic, but maybe it's too demanding for me. So I think I can be a half-ascetic or something, or just as good as I can. Haha. Anyway, spirituality is the most important thing for me. Just yesterday, I realized something. It was like a little enlightenment. In the near future, I'm going to make some changes in my life... Слава Богу за всё – thank God for everything. Guide me, O Lord.

These are my recent and most important news in brief. Blessings and all the best to all my friends!


Our cantor Lily (left) and the secretary of our Orthodox Christian association,
Anya, in the chapel during the Evening Service. Photo by Teisuka.

 "The Inexhaustible Cup". Икона Божией Матери "Неупиваемая Чаша".
Size: 41 cm x 34 cm, price: 25 euros. This is a Russian Marian icon which
is considered miracle-making. The Russian Orthodox Church claims
the icon (and the Mother of God herself) help those who suffer from
alcoholism and drug addiction. I bought this icon on 15 April 2016.


  1. ¸.•´¸.•* ♫ Lucky.... happened to come here for a visit and saw your new post... LOL... Nicely share with your recent activity in your Church.... Great work always with all the things you did....

    ¸.•´¸.•* ♫ Wish you a great evening my friend.... See you late Teisuka-san....

    1. Hello, Shawn-san.
      Thank you for being here today, and many thanks for your kind words. I wish all the best to you and your family. See you around, my friend! :)

  2. Hi Teisuka,

    Congratulations to you guys on having a little sanctuary now! It shows that your association is growing, and you are a big part of it. Good job! :-)

    I'm very happy to see that your faith is really strong now. I should be more like you so that I can feel more fulfilled and peaceful. I definitely should pray more and leave everything to God. I tend to be anxious when things do not go my way, and if I can acquire the habit of leaving things to God, then I will definitely be calmer in tough situations. I need to work on it.

    I agree that "solitude and silence" is still important today, especially for Christians. It will help clear one's mind and lead to better decision-making. So it will be good idea if you can find time each and every day to be totally alone. I'm sure you will find that time.

    In terms of being ascetic, I think you are too harsh on yourself, haha...And I don't think God wants people to be totally ascetic. As long as we do not indulge ourselves in merrymaking, it would be fine, I think. :-)

    Thank you for sharing what's going on in your life. By the way, you look different with that beard, but still handsome, haha...

    Enjoy the rest of the week, my friend!

    1. Hi Bao,

      How have you been, my friend? Hope all is well in your corner of the world. Many thanks for your kind words and congratulations, my friend. I really appreciate that. Sorry for my late reply. I was sick for a few days – just an ordinary flu.

      Yes, our little sanctuary is a great source of joy for me. :) My faith is not always so strong as you might think. We are all unfinished and broken someway... And what is suitable for one, does not necessarily fit another. This is just my situation now, that I'm looking for solitude and silence. Don't worry, I'm not too harsh on myself. I can also have fun, sometimes even too much. :D But I'm contending for the faith. Like Paul the Apostle says, "Fight the good fight of the faith" (1 Timothy 6:12).

      All the best and blessings to you and your family, Mr. Bao! I wish you a wonderful week! :)


  3. Hey, Teisuka. Nice room you have rented for your chapel and the icons decorated with flowers. You looks very happy on this photo :) I wish your dream will come true and you will have church and chasovnya in your city. Probably you could be a priest of this church :) But it is so good to be a reader too, I was a church reader for 3 years. Asceticism is not only a destiny of monks. I guess it is a duty of all christians to be half ascetic or at least one-tenth ascetic. So i wish you to be as much ascetic as you need for your happiness :) Victor

    1. Privet, Victor!

      Many thanks for your kind words and for your support and encouragement, my dear friend. Spasibo! Always glad to see you here. :) Aha, you have also been a church reader. So we are colleagues. Haha. :) I agree with you, asceticism is not only meant for the monks but for all Christians, to some extent. For my part, I will continue to fight against my "own demons" or flaws. Blessings to you and your loved ones, Victor. See you around, buddy. Happy Victory Day!!! :)


    2. Thank You, my dear colleague!) Happy Victory Day! Let's get victory over our "own demons" or flows


    3. Privet, Victor. Spasibo! Well said, my friend. Let's do that! :) By the way: just last Sunday, I beat the temptation in one case. I am grateful to God that He gave me strength in time, because on my own, I am weak and the temptation was very strong... But as we know, John the Apostle says, "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world" (1 John 4:4)... Have a wonderful week to you, brother! :) Teisuka
